Archie Americana Series Best Of The 70s Vol 1 TP - Midtown Comics

Archie Americana Series Best Of The 70s Vol 1 TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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The swinging seventies - a time of transition in America, as the nation strived to find its feet in the aftermath of the turbulent social upheaval that was the sixties. Once again, the youth of America led the charge - enjoying the latest fads and fashions, while speaking out for change. Ever timeless, Archie and his friends came along for the ride, exploring both the fun and mores of the times with their unique brand of humor, as only they could! Journey back with us now in this eagerly anticipated volume. Experience the women's movement as it spreads through Riverdale! Relive the Bicentennial celebration! Behold the rise of bubble-pop! Witness the emergence of patches, pet rocks and CB's! Play along with ""Pong!"" Gaze at popular '70s movies and TV shows! Boogie with Archie and the gang at the disco and laugh again at the antics of America's #1 teenagers!

Item #: 46764 ISBN: 9781879794054

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