Betty And Veronica Digest #193 - Midtown Comics

Betty And Veronica Digest #193

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"Join Betty and Veronica in ""Palm Springs Weekend"" as they embark upon the jet-settingest weekend trip of their lives. Destination: the ultra-ritzy Riviera Resort and Spa in Palm Springs. It's all brought to you by famed Hollywood columnist Hal Lifson. Just like his column, this comic book travelogue is loaded with sizzling celebrities, magnificent homes, breathtaking scenery, and total trendsetters. Lifson also has a fondness for the sensational '60s, on full display here as the Riviera's design is based on architecture of the decade. So pack your bags and buy your tix — it's the hippest trip you'll ever take! Then, Betty's Uncle Clarence is in town doing his clown act at the circus, but when his two assistants catch colds, Betty and Veronica are enlisted to don makeup they've never worn before! Plus, other new and classic tales, puzzles, pin-ups, and more!"

Item #: 1014978 Diamond code: FEB094054

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