Planet Skaar Prologue Cover B 2nd Ptg Dan Panosian Variant Cover - Midtown Comics

Planet Skaar Prologue Cover B 2nd Ptg Dan Panosian Variant Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Reed Richards just found out that the Hulk has a son. A great, big barbarian son named Skaar who's known nothing but blood and rage after being abandoned by his father to be born in fire on a war-torn alien planet. And now Skaar's coming to Earth, where a showdown with his father could literally split the globe in two. So with just twenty four hours to spare, Mr. Fantastic must determine how to face the advent of...PLANET SKAAR! Don't miss the perfect jumping on point for a brand new epic in which the Son of Hulk finally slashes straight into the heart of the Marvel Universe!"

Item #: 1026385 Diamond code: APR098316

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