Green Lantern Corps Vol 2 #47 Cover B Incentive Rodolfo Migliari Variant Cover (Blackest Night Tie-In) - Midtown Comics

Green Lantern Corps Vol 2 #47

Cover B Incentive Rodolfo Migliari Variant Cover (Blackest Night Tie-In)

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"A BRIGHTEST DAY tie-in! As BRIGHTEST DAY begins, Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner, along with the rest of the Green Lantern Corps, attempt to pick up the pieces from the horrific events of BLACKEST NIGHT and take a long hard look at how the Corps is run now that major revelations have come to light. Who survived (and what the Alpha Lanterns have in store for them) is only one of the many new questions that the Green Lanterns will have to answer on the difficult and dangerous road ahead."

Item #: 1079638 Diamond code: FEB100122 UPC: 76194124955104721

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