Avengers Academy #2 1st Ptg Regular Mike McKone Cover - Midtown Comics

Avengers Academy #2

1st Ptg Regular Mike McKone Cover

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"TIME TO MEET THE AVENGERS ACADEMY TEACHERS! Hank Pym, Quicksilver, Tigra, Justice and Speedball (that's right, we said Speedball) are here to mentor the next generation of Earth's Mightiest Heroes...but is one of the students hot for teacher? Plus: Get a glimpse inside the mind of Finesse, the enigmatic polymath who can duplicate any skill but who finds human interaction the most baffling mystery of all! The return of the walking death machine known as Arsenal! Hints at a student's possible connection with a well known Marvel character! Quicksilver gets old school! All this, and one of the kids makes a Faustian bargain!"

Item #: 1089724 Diamond code: MAY100567 UPC: 75960607016900211

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