Rascal Raccoons Raging Revenge HC - Midtown Comics

Rascal Raccoons Raging Revenge HC

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Welcome to Toonie Terrace, home of the fun-loving Toonies and their jealous, bitter rivals, the Meanies. For all their shenanigans, no Meanie has ever murdered a Toonie… until now. After thousands of painful failed attempts, Rascal Raccoon has finally killed his arch-nemesis, the charming and adorable Jumpin' Jackalope. Rascal is overjoyed, but there's one problem: what does he do now? With nothing left to obsess over, Rascal's life falls apart. Fortunately, he soon finds a new target for his anger: the animator who created him!

Item #: 1159273 Diamond code: SEP111195 ISBN: 9781934964712

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