Witch Doctor Vol 1 Under The Knife TP - Midtown Comics

Witch Doctor Vol 1 Under The Knife TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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HOUSE M.D. MEETS FRINGE IN THE FIRST SKYBOUND ORIGINAL FROM ROBERT KIRKMAN's NEW COMICS IMPRINT! Meet Vincent Morrow, a doctor looking for a vaccine... for the apocalypse! In this stand-alone first issue, a family needs Dr. Morrow's help with their son's illness: Demonic possession. But when Morrow attempts an experimental cure, he discovers the boy's disease isn't all spinning heads and pea soup - it's like nothing you've seen before! Horror gets a brain transplant in WITCH DOCTOR, the book WARREN ELLIS calls 'Mental.'

Item #: 1164171 Diamond code: OCT110522 ISBN: 9781607064411

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