Bizzare Thrills Paragon Publications Story TP - Midtown Comics

Bizzare Thrills Paragon Publications Story TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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A compendium of Bill Black's legendary Paragon Publications line of comics 'prozines' of the 1970's! Black wanted to create a line of comic-book based periodicals that incorporated the idea of design and featuring his own original characters in ongoing, interconnected stories; a universe, if you will, of superheroes and adventurers. From roughly 1970-1980, Paragon did that, fueled not only by Black's tasteful sense of visuals, but also a healthy dose of the one aspect fairly rare in the 'mainstream' newstand comics of the day - strong female characters.

Item #: 1172708 Diamond code: DEC110767 UPC: 649241925965

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