Power And Control In The Television Worlds Of Joss Whedon SC - Midtown Comics

Power And Control In The Television Worlds Of Joss Whedon SC

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Ever since the premiere of the small-screen incarnation of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 1997, the television worlds of Joss Whedon have acquired a cult following of dedicated fans and inspired curious scholars. The quest for power and control over humans and other animals is a constant theme running throughout all his series. This study explores the myriad natural and supernatural methods Whedon's characters use to achieve power and control over unsuspecting friends and foes, including witchcraft and other paranormal means, love, aggression, and scientific devices such as psychosurgery and psychopharmacology.

Item #: 1201484 Diamond code: APR121421 UPC: 9780786458585 ISBN: 9780786458585

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