Kevin Smiths Green Hornet #26 Cover C Brian Denham Cover - Midtown Comics

Kevin Smiths Green Hornet #26

Cover C Brian Denham Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"He's been set up for murder. He's been forced to battle a deadly doppelganger and left for dead. Now, Green Hornet must fight an entire city. A power-mad politician hopes to rule Century City on the back of the 'villain' known as Green Hornet. Now, the city that Green Hornet and Kato have sworn to protect turns on them completely, and help arrives from the most unlikely source. The epic 'Outcast' arc screams toward a conclusion that will forever change the legacy of the Green Hornet."

Item #: 1222957 Diamond code: JAN121019 UPC: 72513018411502611

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