Jirni #3 Cover A Regular Direct Market Cover - Midtown Comics

Jirni #3

Cover A Regular Direct Market Cover

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Take an incredible JIRNI with Aspen's newest hit series! Discover a whole new world of adventure! As her companion Nylese reaches the end of her journey while finally discovering the fabled city of her people, Ara's road ahead remains ever perilous. Throughout facing many dangers and threats in her challenging quest, how can she possibly survive Torinthal's powerful and deadly d'jinn, when it comes seeking her end? After years of preparation, creator JT Krul is ready to take you on a JIRNI unlike any other! Accompanied by the incredible talents of artist Paolo Pantalena and colorist Brett Smith, this is one JIRNI you won't want to miss!

Item #: 1262437 Diamond code: APR130846 UPC: 75318272733203011

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