Steven Universe Greg Universe Special #1 Cover A Regular Ru Xu Cover - Midtown Comics

Steven Universe Greg Universe Special #1

Cover A Regular Ru Xu Cover

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What's to Love: There's a lot of heart in Rebecca Sugar's Steven Universe, and a big part of that comes from the relationship between Steven and his dad, Greg. We've gathered some top indie talent for a collection of Gregcentric shorts that are sure to warm your heart. What It Is: Steven Universe and the rest of the Crystal Gems are bonafide heroes, saving Beach City day after day. But you know who else is a hero? Greg Universe! Steven's dad might not have Crystal Gem powers, but he's a valuable member of the team, too! This collection of shorts features fatherandson fun, as Greg teaches Steven some valuable life lessons.

Item #: 1414328 Diamond code: FEB151183 UPC: 84428400466400111

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