DC Comics Kawaii Cube Small Plush Assortment A - Poison Ivy - Midtown Comics

DC Comics Kawaii Cube Small Plush Assortment A - Poison Ivy

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


From Wish Factory. Kawaii, a term that denotes cuteness within the context of Japanese culture, is now a prominent feature of Japanese popular culture. Kawaii Cubes are a completely different - and completely adorable - twist on favorite licensed characters. Taking a basic geometric shape, the cube, as its form, the Kawaii Cubes inspire creativity and play, plus their shape makes storing them convenient through stacking. Offered in a variety of styles, Kawaii Cubes will be released in limited quantities, making them collectible and sought-after. Utilizing the familiar characters from Warner Brothers and DC Comics, the Kawaii Cubes' cute style will introduce these characters to the next generation while also becoming a unique collectible that long-time fans will seek out and cherish.

Item #: 1563672 Diamond code: MAR162443-L13/OCT158796-L13

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