Theres Nothing There #1 Cover A Maria Llovet - Midtown Comics

Theres Nothing There #1

Cover A Maria Llovet

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Celebrity-socialite Reno Selleti doesn't believe in very much beyond Instagram comments, hipster drugs, and the flash of paparazzi cameras, so when a friend invites her to an EYES WIDE SHUT-type party she goes along mostly for the lulz. But the joke doesn't feel as funny when she realizes it's an actual occult ritual, and suddenly she's seeing things... Horrifying apparitions trying to warn her. 'RUN.' Like Darren Aronofsky remaking DRAG ME TO HELL, There's Nothing There is a stylish & hallucinatory thriller about losing yourself in the bright lights and finding yourself at rock bottom. By your new favorite artist Maria Llovet and Patrick Kindlon (We Can Never Go Home, S.H.I.E.L.D.: Quake)."

Item #: 1643971 Diamond code: FEB171274 UPC: 045778026456

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