Ninja-K #10 Cover A Regular Giuseppe Camuncoli Cover - Midtown Comics

Ninja-K #10

Cover A Regular Giuseppe Camuncoli Cover

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A BLOCKBUSTER NEW JUMPING-ON POINT! In Margaret Thatcher's Britain, meet the future of espionage: the hard-hitting, brutalizing super-spy codenamed NINJA-H! From the encrypted files of The Ninja Programme, another secret chapter revealed! The Cold War is in full swing and the United Kingdom's top-secret intelligence unit has come to a crossroads. As their once-elite collection of secret agents finds itself outmatched by the escalation of the United States' H.A.R.D. Corps division, the spymasters of MI6 are about to develop a new kind of soldier for their never- ending war of global gamesmanship and international intrigue. Part man, part machine, and bound together with the most extreme technological enhancements that the 1980s have to offer, NINJA-H is faster, stronger, and deadlier than any who have come before... Now, for the first time, the metal-crunching saga of MI6's one-man, super-powered strike force - and his tragic fall from grace - can finally be told as renowned writer Christos Gage (Netflix's Daredevil) teams with comics legend Larry Stroman (X-Factor) to declassify the next standalone shadow-laden chapter in the history of Ninjak's fellow Ninja Programme agents!

Item #: 1751506 Diamond code: JUN182074 UPC: 85899200352901011

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