Thrilling Adventure Hour #4 Cover B Variant Natacha Bustos Subscription Cover - Midtown Comics

Thrilling Adventure Hour #4

Cover B Variant Natacha Bustos Subscription Cover

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It's time to send the little ones to dreamland and set your radio's dial to 'spooky.' Steel yourself for mysterious suspense in... BEYOND BELIEF! Trading quips and tossing back cocktails, the Doyles take what they want and hoodwink their clientele for the rest. Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, mummies, even diabolical gingerbread men are nothing but obstacles in the way of the liquor cabinet for our fast-talking, hard-drinking sleuths. Written by the creators of the wildly popular Hollywood stage show and podcast, Ben Acker and Ben Blacker (Deadpool, Star Wars Adventures), and illustrated by Phil Hester (Batman Beyond), The Thrilling Adventure Hour: A Spirited Romance is a rip-roaring adventure that harkens back to the heyday of old-time radio entertainment. Collects The Thrilling Adventure Hour Presents: Beyond Belief #0-4.

Item #: 1768305 Diamond code: AUG181387 UPC: 84428400679800421

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