Unnatural #1 Cover F 2nd Ptg Variant Mirka Andolfo Cover Signed By Mirka Andolfo - Midtown Comics

Unnatural #1

Cover F 2nd Ptg Variant Mirka Andolfo Cover Signed By Mirka Andolfo

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Leslie is a simple pig girl. She loves sushi, she's stuck with a job she hates, and she lives under a brutal totalitarian government-one that punishes transgressors for anything deemed 'unnatural.' Leslie dreams of something different for herself. But those dreams are becoming dangerous... This Italian hit series by MIRKA ANDOLFO (Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, DC Comics Bombshells) will transport you into a colorful but terrible world-full of anthropomorphic creatures, but light on personal freedoms-by way of a breathtaking plot that travels between thriller and fantasy, with a hint of sensuality.

Item #: 1786871 UPC: 1786871

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