Immortal Hulk Directors Cut #1 - Midtown Comics

Immortal Hulk Directors Cut #1

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The horror has a name - and now it is unleashed in full graphic detail! You'd never notice the man. He doesn't like to be noticed. He's quiet. Calm. Never complains. If someone were to walk up and shoot him in the head...all he'd do is die. Until night falls. And someone else gets up again. The man's name is Banner. The horror is the Immortal Hulk. And trouble has a way of finding them both! As reporter Jackie McGee tries to put together the pieces, Banner treads a lonely path from town to town - unearthing murder, mystery and tragedy as he goes. And what Banner discovers, the Hulk smashes! The critically acclaimed reinvention of one of Marvel's biggest icons is re-presented in Director's Cut form, complete with Joe Bennett's savage pencils and more incredible bonus features!
Rated +

Item #: 1851061 Diamond code: JUN190908 UPC: 75960609590200111

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