Death To The Army Of Darkness #2 Cover I Incentive Ben Oliver Tint Cover - Midtown Comics

Death To The Army Of Darkness #2

Cover I Incentive Ben Oliver Tint Cover

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Available in Multiple Covers

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"Look. Life's hard enough when you're Ash. You've gotta go to work, pay the bills, fight demons, save the world from Hell, etc etc. But when some sorta weird-ass magic splits you into a woman, a demon, a skeleton, a dog and a sentient's enough to make a grown man cry.

(...Unless you're Ash. In which case, you're too cool to cry.)

Behold the wonderment by RYAN PARROTT (TMNT/Power Rangers) and JACOB EDGAR (James Bond)!"

Item #: 1930093 Diamond code: JAN208090 UPC: 72513028914802161

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