Last God Songs Of Lost Children One Shot - Midtown Comics

Last God Songs Of Lost Children One Shot

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Set a decade after the infamous battle of the Black Stair, an incognito Queen Cyanthe and her handmaiden embark on a journey to the poverty-stricken villages outside Tyrgolad. When faced with stories of disappearing children and a real-life encounter with a great and ancient monster, Cyanthe realizes that tales of monsters lurking are anything but folklore, and must return to her warrior roots to slay another ghastly creature. Special guest writer Dan Watters (Lucifer, Coffin Bound) and artist Steve Beach (The Last God: Tales from the Book of Ages) join the world of the Last God for this tale from the Age of Tyrgolad.

Item #: 1949338 Diamond code: UCS20080058 UPC: 76194136979200111

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