Justice League Vol 4 #54 Cover B Variant Howard Porter Cover (Dark Nights Death Metal Tie-In) - Midtown Comics

Justice League Vol 4 #54

Cover B Variant Howard Porter Cover (Dark Nights Death Metal Tie-In)

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"Doom Metal" part two of five storms the stage in this essential Dark Nights: Death Metal tie-in! It’s the Titans reunion you've been clamoring for when Starfire and Cyborg join Nightwing in this twisted Justice League. The team is hell-bent for Brimstone Bay to free the Legion of Doom, but what horrors and desires will the Valley of Starros reveal to them—and who or what is the villain named Mindhunter?

Item #: 1952174 Diamond code: UCS20080050 UPC: 76194135724905421

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