Detective Comics Vol 2 #1038 Cover A Regular Dan Mora Cover - Midtown Comics

Detective Comics Vol 2 #1038

Cover A Regular Dan Mora Cover

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An epic battle is taking place in Gotham City...below the city streets?! Batman and MR. WORTH are locked in a deadly duel involving a rocket launcher, a micro-cave subterranean system, and a whole lot of bloody knuckles. Can Huntress save Lady Clayface before the entire city collapses from underneath itself?
Plus: the insidious VILE makes his move, and boy is it UGLY...

FEATURING "MARCH OF THE PENGUIN": Gotham’s seediest gangster is looking to take advantage of the unrest in the city, and the Penguin is finally ready to make his move!

Item #: 2005887 Diamond code: UCS21040073/0421DC073 UPC: 76194134373003811

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