Maria Llovets Porcelain #1 Cover C Variant Yishan Li Cover - Midtown Comics

Maria Llovets Porcelain #1

Cover C Variant Yishan Li Cover

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First ABLAZE brought you the surreal, bewitching tale of comes .

Beryl's life in the desert, living with her aunt and her cat, is relatively simple...until the day she finds and enters the Dollhouse.

Stuck inside an ever-changing mystery house that hunts children and turns them into dolls, Beryl goes on a psychedelic journey where she must face the notion of her own limitations and move past them...before she becomes the building's newest prey.

is a labyrinth of a psychologically thrilling experience told in a way that only acclaimed creator Maria Llovet (, , , ) can tell it.

Item #: 2018837 Diamond code: JUN211118 UPC: 85000892717101031

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