Checkmate Vol 3 #3 Cover B Variant Matt Taylor Card Stock Cover - Midtown Comics

Checkmate Vol 3 #3

Cover B Variant Matt Taylor Card Stock Cover

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All-new story! As the super-spies try to keep Leviathan from getting its hands on the Heroes Network, Lois Lane does her best to get to the bottom of the new truths in front of her.

Meanwhile, her husband—the Man of Steel—has had just about enough of Leviathan. That’s right, finally! The man behind the rise of Leviathan, Mark Shaw, and Superman clash!

Plus: Who is Mr. King really? Guest-starring Robin and Talia al Ghul! And Superman.

Item #: 2021927 Diamond code: UCS21060094/0621DC094 UPC: 76194136816000321

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