Dejah Thoris Versus John Carter Of Mars #4 Cover C Variant Alessandro Miracolo Cover - Midtown Comics

Dejah Thoris Versus John Carter Of Mars #4

Cover C Variant Alessandro Miracolo Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Dejah and John...captured! Whoever gains control of the Earthman's secrets will rule all of Barsoom...just imagine a clone army of leaping John Carters! Can Dejah access arcanotech in time to receive help, or has she been reunited with her love just in time for their DOOM!?

The epic continues, from DAN ABNETT (Justice League Odyssey) and ALESSANDRO MIRACOLO (Red Sonja)!

Item #: 2035100 Diamond code: AUG210832 UPC: 72513030813904031

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