Magic (MTG) #8 Cover A Regular Qistina Khalidah Cover - Midtown Comics

Magic (MTG) #8

Cover A Regular Qistina Khalidah Cover

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Tying directly into the events of Magic: Master of Metal #1, Tezzeret enters the fray and brings with him vital information to the cabal of Planeswalkers defending Ravnica regarding [REDACTED]!

Only Tezzeret knows the truth about why Jace Beleren was attacked and why he is the key to saving the Multiverse from the utter destruction coming to Ravnica.

But that secret and what it means force Jace, Vraska, Kaya, and the allied Guilds of Ravnica to make an unthinkable choice... linked to the very crimes that Tezzeret seeks to be pardoned for in exchange for his help!

Item #: 2042811 Diamond code: SEP210752 UPC: 84428400814308011

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