Samurai Sonja #4 Cover G Incentive Gracie The Cosplay Lass Cosplay Photo Virgin Cover - Midtown Comics

Samurai Sonja #4

Cover G Incentive Gracie The Cosplay Lass Cosplay Photo Virgin Cover

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In this issue, Sonja finds herself in the midst of a war-torn battlefield, unable to flee, surrounded by monstrous samurai. No matter how hard she fights, the onslaught of her enemies will not cease. Sonja must discover the only path to victory: to truly confront her enemy by accepting what the legacy of her past and her family truly means. Don't miss the latest blade-flashing chapter by writer Jordan Clark and artist Pasquale Qualano!

Item #: 2128173 Diamond code: JUL220718 UPC: 72513031956204071

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