Junction Jones And The Corduroy Conspiracy #2 - Midtown Comics

Junction Jones And The Corduroy Conspiracy #2

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Framed for the murder of the hobo Gummy Joe and wanted for the deaths of four Junction Agents, Mister Nibs and Junction Jones must solve the mystery of the dead body and clear their names or end up recycled. Their only lead? What they were able to rummage from the poor bum's pockets-a soiled business card and a telegram from earth circa 1938 that points them in the direction of the ringleader of Junction's most infamous Interdimensional Carnivale- an entity known only as Forshmak Toot. There they'll find out what all their troubles have to do with an obscure crime only Toot remembers, cryptically referred to as the "Boxcar Bop"!

Item #: 2198328 Diamond code: MAR231848 UPC: 02221169220100211

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