Batman Arkham Catwoman TP - Midtown Comics

Batman Arkham Catwoman TP

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Written by

Art by

Written by Mindy Newell, Ed Brubaker, and others
Art by Joe Brozowski, Jim Balent, and others

Selina Kyle is a dangerous criminal whose claws aren't to be crossed, but she's also Gotham City's Robin Hood, using her unlawful talents to help those in need.

This rich contradiction has made Catwoman one of the most complex and compelling antiheroes in comics, and one of the most enduring villains in the Dark Knight's rogues gallery.

This volume collects Selina Kyle's greatest tales from BATMAN #1, #3, #210, #266, #332, #355; DETECTIVE COMICS #122; CATWOMAN (1989) #2; CATWOMAN (1993) #57; CATWOMAN (2002) #10; CATWOMAN: WHEN IN ROME #4; CATWOMAN (2018) #1; WHO'S WHO: THE DEFINITIVE DIRECTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE #4; and WHO'S WHO IN THE DC UNIVERSE #16.

Item #: 2200186 Diamond code: UCS23030252/0323DC252 ISBN: 9781779521774

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