Know Your Station TP - Midtown Comics

Know Your Station TP

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The wealthiest people in the solar system abandoned the Earth for a sanctuary in space, leaving the poor to die from climate change. But the 1% won't be safe for long… because a murderer is on the loose, with the rich as their target!

Soon Elise, an employee on the billionaires' space station, is wrapped up in a deadly investigation, dragged deeper into the conspiracy as the last body she wants to go missing does. Even worse, her withdrawals from a highly addictive substance are getting worse and causing terrible hallucinations.

But those drug-induced delusions are nothing compared to the gut-wrenchingly grisly discoveries at the heart of this deadly whodunnit…

Bestselling novelist Sarah Gailey (Eat the Rich, Just Like Home) and rising artistic star Liana Kangas (TRVE KVLT) take a stab at the ultra-wealthy, their dreams of escaping the planet they've put in peril, and the consequences of that economic terror in the near future…

Item #: 2216931 Diamond code: MAY230369 ISBN: 9781684159963

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