Batman Incorporated Vol 3 #10 Cover A Regular John Timms Cover - Midtown Comics

Batman Incorporated Vol 3 #10

Cover A Regular John Timms Cover

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The villains of Joker Incorporated continue to wreak havoc across the globe. Can Batman Incorporated stop them without betraying a promise to Batman? Joker continues to force their hand into a bloody, winnerless battle. With one member of Batman Incorporated dead and another on life support, the team is faced with a terrifying realization that Joker Incorporated may have outplayed them.

Knight and Gray Wolf discover a startling secret about the Welsh madman Dai Laffyn that may help them turn the tide in this war--but at what cost?

Item #: 2217835 Diamond code: UCS23050220/0523DC220 UPC: 76194137726101011

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