Sickness #5 Cover A Regular Jenna Cha Cover - Midtown Comics

Sickness #5

Cover A Regular Jenna Cha Cover

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If you're feeling sick, The Man may be following you... 1945: Daniel broods after a failed confrontation with The Man. The only impact of his friends' plan was to exacerbate his symptoms to the point that the hallucinations feel more alive than ever. Whatever this illness is, it wants something from Daniel. 1955: George performs an autopsy on the housewife who murdered her family, resulting in disturbing revelations. However, he comes to a standstill in his attempt to trace patients with similar symptoms. Little does he know, The Sickness is closer to him than he could ever imagine.

Item #: 2292605 Diamond code: JAN242008 UPC: 85000764112200511

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