Goon Them That Dont Stay Dead #3 Cover A Regular Eric Powell Cover - Midtown Comics

Goon Them That Dont Stay Dead #3

Cover A Regular Eric Powell Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Written by

Art by

"(W/A/CA) Eric Powell

To mark the 25th anniversary of the Goon, Eric Powell returns with an all new mini-series, Them That Don't Stay Dead! It's homecoming for the Goon's most hated enemies as things take a turn for the worse on Lonely Street. And the sledding only gets more treacherous for the big lug as the mysterious Dorothy Die adds to the turmoil. She's all too willing to twist the knife in the Goon's back. But why? Hey, it's not all bleak. Franky has a sandwich. With an alternate special edition cover by legendary comic artis Mark Schultz."

Item #: 2302541 Diamond code: FEB240964 UPC: 76156801201900311

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