Digimon Secret Crisis Booster Display (24-Count) - Midtown Comics

Digimon Secret Crisis Booster Display (24-Count)

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Includes famous Tamers Digimon, who were the main characters in each movie! Digimon that have fought heated battles blast evolve into their final forms. Level 7 Digimon such as Omnimon and ShineGreymon: Burst Mode gain the power of ACE and take over the meta as a new deck! This time we also included Armageddemon and Eosmon that stood in the way of the main characters in the movie. In addition, popular characters from the movie such as Rhythm and Menoa Bellucci also appear. The main character deck VS the enemy deck allows for battles that recreate scenes from the movies! Digimon card game now has a special win condition card. You can win the game by filling up the field with Diaboromon. Recreate the desperate scene from the movie Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!

Item #: 2311407 Diamond code: MAR242572/DEC237401 UPC: 810059786400 MFG Code: BAN 2741324

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