QUANTUM #5 (C: 0-1-1) - Midtown Comics


(C: 0-1-1)

* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Written by

Art by

(W) Dave West & Various (A) Pete Woods & Various (CA) Dave Morris, Ben Lopez

The smash-hit new British anthology Quantum features 5 ongoing tales set in worlds that are not our own. Major Rakhana (Steve Tanner and Pete Woods), WesterNoir-Dead End (Jemma West and Gareth Sleightholme), Memphis (David Morris), Whatever Happened To The World's Fastest Man? (Dave West and Marleen Lowe) and Death & Taxes (Katie Cunningham and Tom Newell).

Item #: 2355500 Diamond code: AUG242194 UPC: 977275341900205

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