WRETCHED HC (MR) (C: 0-1-1) - Midtown Comics

WRETCHED HC (MR) (C: 0-1-1)

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Written by

Art by

(W) Henrik Rehr (A) Jan Solheim

A nightmare, anxiety attack, or bad trip? A woman is seemingly trapped in a feverish dream, attempting to navigate through a distorted world in a stumbling language, struggling to comprehend what's happening around her: 'No one speaks my language here... I'm sweating, even though it's actually quite cold. I think I have a fever...' 'I see their smiles, I hear their friendly voices, but I KNOW what they feel!' Wretched is written by Henrik Rehr, one of the most active Danish series creators of the last 30 years, and illustrated by Jan Solheim, whose superior line work demonstrates why he is one of the country's most sought-after illustrators.

Item #: 2373925 Diamond code: OCT241446 ISBN: 9781990521324

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