Michael Chabon Presents Adventures Of The Escapist #1 - Midtown Comics

Michael Chabon Presents Adventures Of The Escapist #1

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Leaping onto center stage from the wings of comics history comes that dazzling Master of Elusion, foe of tyranny, and champion of liberation—the Escapist. Operating from a secret headquarters under the boards of the Empire Theater, the Escapist and his crack team of associates roam the globe performing amazing feats of magic and coming to the aid of all those who languish in the chains of oppression.

The history of the Escapist's creators, Joe Kavalier and Sam Clay was recently chronicled in Michael Chabon's Pulitzer-Prize-winning novel THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF KAVALIER & CLAY. Now the best of the Escapist's adventures are collected into a giant 80-page anthology for all to enjoy.

Item #: 21120

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