Secret History Of The Authority Jack Hawksmoor #1 - Midtown Comics

Secret History Of The Authority Jack Hawksmoor #1

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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"A new 6-issue miniseries shedding light on the mysterious Authority member, featuring art by Koi Turnbull (HEROES VOL. 1 HC, SUPERMAN CONFIDENTIAL) and covers by Cully Hamner (BLUE BEETLE)! Before he was recruited into StormWatch, Jack Hawksmoor was a solitary urban hero, misanthropic and alone. While preventing a massive robot attack on the Golden Gate Bridge, Hawksmoor gets unexpected assistance from a woman he has more in common with than he realizes, then later stumbles upon a locked-room murder mystery. On top of all this, his city-born powers have been acting up — and he has a gumshoe’s suspicion that all this may be connected."

Item #: 958234 Diamond code: JAN080228

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