Secret Invasion Fantastic Four #1 Cover A Regular Alan Davis Cover - Midtown Comics

Secret Invasion Fantastic Four #1

Cover A Regular Alan Davis Cover

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


"The invasion has started, and no one in the MU is safe, not even the First Family of Comicdom! Aware that some of the Earth's most advanced technology and weaponry is housed in the Baxter Building, the Skrulls have neutralized the building--by transporting it and its inhabitants straight to the Negative Zone! With one member of the Fantastic Four M.I.A. and another ""replaced,"" it's up to the remaining family members--not to mention Franklin and Val—to get back to our dimension, Skrulls or no Skrulls. But are any of our heroes who they think they are? "

Item #: 965012 Diamond code: MAR082209

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