Charismagic #6 Cover A Khary Randolph - Midtown Comics

Charismagic #6

Cover A Khary Randolph

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


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Everything you thought you knew about magic will… Vanish. The valiant quest to save the world from catastrophe and the treacherous clutches of dark magic reaches its pulse-pounding conclusion with this epic finale issue! Hank, Sudana and Sparkles must find a way to save the banished wizard Kon and make one final stand against Samsun's vile and powerful magic or risk losing everything-including the return of the entire human population and their close allies Hector and Alle, who could find themselves trapped in the evil shadows of the Void Realm forever if they fail!

Item #: 1194897 Diamond code: MAR120780 UPC: 75318272697700611

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