Batvark Coronavirus #1 (One Shot) - Midtown Comics

Batvark Coronavirus #1

(One Shot)

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* Release Date and Covers are subject to change


Now! With fewer typpos! Now! Featuring The Turd-Brown Cover Background Color Bat-Comic Fans (Evidently) Crave! Now!

Remembering the COVID-19 Golden Age of 2020 we never thought we'd end up missing! Genetic! As Three-Way-Batvark says (on the cover anyway) Genetic! Subatomic! Redundant!subatomic! Redundant! Genetic! Redundant! Genetic! Subatomic!

Of course, we all know viruses are neither genetic nor subatomic, but Batvark dropped out of Grade 6. So, please, cut him some slack.

Item #: 2026958 Diamond code: JUL211195 UPC: 787790860396

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